The Raw Greek, Green Cracked Olives with Lemon, Garlic and Oregano – 200g


(as of 03/22/2017 at 18:29 UTC)

SKU: B00H2O6OQ6 Category:

Product Description

Green cracked olives are made using a century old traditional recipe used in Greece and Cyprus.

The process imparts a fruity and refreshing taste, crunchy flesh and lemon scent.

“Tsakistes” as cracked olives are known in Greek are large, firm green olives with cracked flesh, but not to the stone. These olives are marinated in oil mixed with oregano , garlic and lemon. The process imparts a fruity and refreshing taste, crunchy flesh and lemon scent.


  • Produced in Greece
  • Flavoursome olives produced using a century old recipe
  • Crunchy and fruity
  • Raw and unpasteurised


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